Whether you’re operating a local hub listing thousands of events, a college or school with many thousands of users, or you’re a sole business owner listing your classes, an events calendar is a great asset to your website. You can have professional-level quality and functionality such as recurring events or ticket sales, the list of possibilities are endless. We can integrate an events calendar, large or small for your needs.
- Rapidly create events
- Saved venues & organizers
- Calendar month view
- Event List view
- Day view
- Event search
- Google maps to show where an event is taking place.
- Display upcoming events list
- Google Calendar and iCal exporting
- Completely responsive from mobile to tablet to desktop
- Increase your SEO
You can view a good use of an events calendar here: http://www.lucypetfoundation.org/events/month/
Lucy Pet Foundation uses it to show when their up-and-coming spay and neuter events letting customers plan when is the best date to attend the mobile clinic and print out a map to the location.